HSE Global provide an expert team of consultants advising organisations on Health, Safety and Wellbeing process and performance, system development, and providing audit and assurance services including:

  • safety and wellbeing strategy development
  • leadership coaching
  • critical risk management
  • ISO45001 system development
  • audit and assurance programs for officer due diligence obligations and good governance.

EML customers can save 10% on a range of consulting services:

Safety and wellbeing strategy

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Review is a thorough and robust assessment (infield and desktop) review of the effectiveness of company health, safety and wellbeing management systems, risk controls, safety leadership and safety culture.

We can also assist with development of strategic plans and roadmaps to ensure step change in safety and wellbeing performance. 

System development

Critical Risk Management:

  1. control based risk management framework and process workshop
  2. bowtie analysis workshop.

Audit and assurance

WHS Risk Management & Control review and organisation deep dive to confirm alignment and effectiveness (in-field and desktop). 

EML Offer: SAVE 10%

Contact: eml@hseglobal.com.au

Take a look at the full features and benefits

HSE Global has an impressive portfolio of global organisations that have had measurable and sustainable improvement results through the partnership.

Experts at conducting ethnographic studies. This approach provides an unfiltered and evidence based robust assessment of current state safety leadership, culture, safety performance and supporting management systems to help drive performance improvements.

Know your safety focus through the development of an effective safety and wellbeing strategy, supported by high performing leaders and safety culture.

Develop a structured approach to risk management that focuses on fatality prevention and ensuring critical controls are known, implemented and effective.

Plan, develop, monitor and continuously improve through independent audit and assurance programs that ensure good governance that supports officer due diligence obligations.

Terms and conditions

Must be a current EML Customer.

Existing HSE Global customers are not eligible for this offer during their current contract. Discounts on contract renewal apply.

Contact HSE Global for more details regarding this offer.

Please visit our EML Offers Terms and Conditions page for full details.

Find out more

For more information please contact eml@hseglobal.com.au or visit the HSE Global website here