EMlearning is our online training platform which offers a range of interactive and engaging courses in workplace risk topics and is available exclusively and free to EML customers and their employees through the Mutual Benefits Program. 

The courses offered through EMlearning are developed in consultation with recognised subject matter experts and are designed to support our customers to maximise employee engagement, reduce risk, meet compliance requirements and establish a safe workplace culture.

Access EMlearning

See why our customers rate our courses as 4.6/5 stars* and assign your employees, supervisors and leaders to an EMlearning course today.

Available for a limited time 

As Covid-19 continues to impact businesses across Australia, now is a good time for all managers and staff to take the time to safeguard their mental health and those of their co-workers. 

Free for a limited time for EML customers through EMlearning, the new e-learning course How to Help a Teammate in Distress is designed to train employees and leaders to identify and provide support to teammates who may be experiencing mental distress. 

EMlearning courses

As a customer of EML your entire organisation can access EMlearning and you can register your employees in:


Take a look at our course outlines today. 

Save on additional courses

As an EML customers you can save up to 25% on a range of additional course titles in Health & Safety, Ethics & Conduct and Health & Aged Care related topics. Simply select the course and your discount will be applied at checkout through the online store. 


Getting the most out of EMlearning

EMlearning supports employers to efficiently administer training for their organisation with an in-built learning management system (LMS) to help create user accounts, assign courses and run detailed reports to track completions across your entire organisation. We want our customers and their employees to get the most out of this service and in response to your feedback, we have developed step by step guides to make administrating the platform easier. 

Already have an LMS?

Great news! We can provide complimentary access to EMlearning through your business learning management system.  

Find out more

Take a look at our latest training flyer for a quick view of some of the employer training options available to EML customers:

 If you have a question, feedback or would like to know more, please email mutualbenefits@eml.com.au today to discuss how your organisation can make the most of EMLearning.

*average overall star rating for courses based on over 3000 customer reviews from 2020 - 2021

Case studies

Supporting workers through early onsite intervention

Workplace injuries can be devastating for both employees and the organisations for which t…

Protecting workplace mental health

The initiative titled ‘Mind Your Head’ (MYH) is funded by EML’s Mutual Benefits Program an…

Using workplace technologies to reduce manual handling injuries

In partnership with AON, Mutual Benefits funded an innovative project by Longitude6 at Dul…

See more case studies