It can be daunting and confusing to visualise life after Police. Recognising your service with NSW Police Force we want to continue to support you through your career transition.

If you are unable to return to work with NSW Police Force due to medical restrictions these resources aim to provide you with all the information and support services that you require to manage your transition.

This includes:

This initiative has been a partnership between NSW Police and EML.

Together we are committed to continually improving the process so that we do all we can to support current and former officers,” Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon APM.

What to expect

Leaving a job you enjoy can be challenging. Even more so if it is a forced change due to an injury that was out of your control. But there is much that can be done to improve your experience as you leave NSWPF and move on to seek something new.

Understanding the process of transition, knowing who to ask for assistance, taking the time to prepare yourself for this big change in your life and knowing that the skills you have acquired are easily transferrable to other roles can all help to minimise stress for you and your family.

What does the process involve?

There are multiple steps to the transition process, but it can pass by rather quickly. If you are unsure of where things are up to, the best person to check in with is your Injury Management Advisor (IMA). They should be able to advise or make enquiries on your behalf.

Regardless of where you are up to with your transition, knowing how the process works can help make things go smoothly and seem easier. For starters, look at the Career Transition brochure and Medical Retirement FAQs.

I have been told my last day of service is soon. What next?

Your last day of service will coincide with the end of a pay period. This means that you should receive payment for all your leave entitlements and anything else owing with your last pay from NSWPF. A breakdown of this payment will be posted to you by NSWPF.

The NSWPF Personnel Unit in HR Transaction Services will pay your final entitlements into your nominated bank account up to two weeks after your final last day of service.

If you haven’t already, you will be transferred to a new case manager at EML who specialises in assisting former police officers. Whether you require ongoing support with your treatment and recovery, want to know more about your options moving forward or are ready to consider a new career, there are some great programs and people your case manager can discuss with you and your treatment providers. Discover support services available >

EML will take over paying you directly so it is important that you speak with your case manager about what is required. They will send you some forms to complete along with your preferred bank details, tax file number etc. Find more information on managing finances >

If you have a claim for income protection with TAL, it is important that you also speak to your case manager there to make sure everything is in order. Income protection payments from TAL are made monthly in arrears. For specific questions around TAL payments, speak with your TAL case manager. Find more information on managing finances >

Who can help with that?



Leading up to your last day of service, your Command contacts are best to assist you with things such as:

  • obtaining your certificate of service
  • returning your work belongings
  • collecting your personal items from your locker
  • dealing with payroll
  • extending your last day of service

Injury Management Advisor

Your IMA is the key contact leading up to your last day of service with NSWPF. They can help you with:

  • understanding the process and what is required
  • providing updates on where things are up to
  • recommending support services to help with transition and beyond

NSWPF Shared Services

The NSWPF Personnel Unit in HR Transaction Services will pay your final entitlements into your nominated bank account up to two weeks after your final last day of duty.

EML Case Manager

Your Case Manager will arrange a time to introduce you to a new Case Manager at EML who specialises in transition support services and can assist you in the next stages of your recovery.

Your new Case Manager will ensure your payments continue directly from EML. These payments will be set up from your last date of service, will be based on your capacity and your weekly benefits will be paid directly into your nominated bank account.

EML can provide you with career transition services and recruitment support to assist you in returning to new employment.


Family members and close friends can be great support for you but sometimes they need a bit of help too. Did you know that family members can access help in several ways? Including:

  • NSWPF Family Support Coordinator (ask your IMA for further info)
  • NSWPF Employee Assistance Program (up to 6 sessions with a counsellor free of charge for family members of current/former employees)
  • referral to a private psychologist as part of your workers compensation claim (speak with your EML Case Manager)
  • Kookaburra Kids provides age-appropriate mental health education and early intervention for children whose parents have a mental illness. The program is available for families of NSW Police Officers who have a current workers compensation claim involving psychological injury and have children aged between 8 and 18.
All I know is the cops, what job could I possibly do now?

What can I do to best prepare for civilian life?

The transition from Police Officer to civilian can be daunting and the impact on some individuals profound. Research indicates that the impact of this change can be minimised by preparing for the change ahead of time and understanding the impact of the change as it occurs. As such, NSWPF and EML have partnered with Phoenix Australia – Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health to develop an online program to help officers, family, friends and treatment providers make transition easier.

You can also find information to help officers, family and friends after a potentially traumatic incident in the Recovery after Trauma guide.

More than a Cop Career Transition After Injury Virtual Seminar

If you are a post 88 police officer with a compensable injury, this seminar helps to give you and your families a better understanding about the support available and what to expect through the medical retirement process and beyond.

The virtual seminar can be joined from anywhere, anytime. Register or find out more at

The key presentations include:

  • Welcome message from Commissioner Michael Fuller APM.
  • A panel discussion on the medical retirement process.
  • The shared experience from former Detective Craig Semple and his recommended tools to prepare you mentally for transition.
  • An interview with our family support coordinator and the partner of a former officer sharing the importance of family and support services.
  • Career Coach Jane Jackson, author of best-selling book, Navigating Career Crossroads, provides you with the tools to unlock your potential for growth, new possibilities, and suggestions on the best way to use her book, to support your career transition.
  • A session to gain a better understanding of your financial benefits and entitlements under the workers compensation and income protection schemes.

For more information please email the Police Transition Team at or call the Career Transition Infoline 1800 014 140


More than a Cop online program

This short course provides evidence-informed education, suggestions, and a way for you to start planning your career transition.

The New South Wales Police Force and EML have worked together with Phoenix Australia – Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health to develop this online education package.

You will learn about:

  • Preparing for career transition
  • Facing the inevitability of change
  • Breaking with the old life
  • Building a new life

Access is free via EMLearning, but requires a login. Please use this form or speak with your NSW Police Injury Management Advisor to request your personal registration. Please allow two business days for your registration to be completed.

If you are already registered, login to EMLearning and get started!

Real life stories   

Understanding your finances

The following information relates to sworn Police Officers only as they are considered exempt workers in the Workers Compensation Act 1987 No 70. If you are an administrative employee of NSW Police, please see the SIRA claims management guide or consult your Case Manager regarding your benefits.

Workers compensation exists to help you recover from work-related injury by supporting access to and payment of required medical treatments and supporting your income if your capacity to work is negatively impacted by your injury.

Benefits and entitlements change as your situation changes and may be provided by different organisations over the duration of your claim.

Attend a webinar to find out more about your financial benefits

Gain an understanding of your financial benefits and entitlements under the workers compensation and income protection schemes.

The More than a Cop Police Career Transition After Injury Virtual Seminar includes a range of presentations from keynote speakers on the topic of career transition. Join from anywhere, anytime. Partners and support people are welcome too.

The Understanding your Financial Benefits session will explain:

  • Who will be providing these payments as your situation changes
  • Detailed explanation on how your benefits are calculated
  • Support services available to assit you throughout your transition and beyond
  • Lived experience connected to the importance of being financially prepared

For more information please email the Police Transition Team at or call the Career Transition Infoline 1800 014 140

Benefits and entitlements scenarios

The following information outlines the benefits paid under different scenarios and how to ensure you receive your entitlements as seamlessly as possible.

Workers compensation entitlements while employed by NSWPF

While you are employed by NSWPF, you are paid by NSWPF as normal and workers compensation benefits you receive are reimbursed to NSWPF by EML.

Workers compensation entitlements after medical retirement from NSWPF

Following confirmation of your medical retirement date and cessation of your employment by NSWPF your weekly benefits will be paid to you fortnightly by EML.

Completing and returning the below forms to your case manager will assist in making this change easier.

Please complete and return these forms to your case manager: 

The amount that you will be paid following medical retirement will depend on the value and length of payments made to you prior to your medical retirement.

The information in “Your entitlements” provides general advice on the entitlements that may be available to you depending on your capacity for work.

To obtain an accurate indication of your individual entitlements, please speak to your Case Manager.

Secure your financial future

Prepare your finances for life after medical retirement, including budgeting and superannuation.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission's MoneySmart service helps people make the most of their money. The site offers a range of useful tools and resources including: 

There are numerous free and paid apps available to help manage your finances, understand where your money is going and manage savings goals. You can search for these and download from both the App store or Google Play.

For Police Officers who are still employed by NSWPF or had your last day of service less than 12 months ago, you can benefit from Converge Employee Assistance Program.

Their Money Assist service can help you work through your financial wellbeing concerns. Phone 1300 667 197 or visit their website for more information. 


Superannuation is not payable while an employee is on workers compensation. If you wish to continue contributions to your fund this will have to be arranged independently between you and your superannuation provider.

Learn about your transferrable skills

You have acquired some very effective and desirable capabilities throughout your service with NSW Police. The skillset that a Police Officer develops is desirable for both public and private employers.

Hear from former officers as they share their career transition stories.

The following outlines some capabilities and what this looks like in the workplace aligned to different ranks. You may find this useful in considering how to apply your skillset to a new role outside of the Police Force.

What options do I have for future work?

NSW Government Jobs

Understand how your current police rank or role aligns to NSW Government job grades.

The NSW Government has approximately 400,000 ongoing, temporary and casual employees to develop policy and deliver NSW services. NSW public sector roles are graded. Each grade forms the basis for a job's pay (also referred to as 'remuneration') and its key accountabilities.

Remember to consider all your skills and experience gained before, during and since leaving the organisation when using the guide.

Select an option for the public sector equivalent grade to police ranks or roles:

The benefits of employing a former NSW Police Officer

Officers of NSW Police are loyal, with many officers envisioning their whole career would be with the Police force. They bring with them, this same loyalty to a new employer. Former NSW Police officers act constructively in highly pressured and unpredictable environments and model ethical behaviour.

Support services

There are numerous options available to support you regardless of what stage in your rehabilitation you are at. Transitioning officers generally require support in line with one of the following pathways: 

We have worked hard to identify quality support services that are fit for purpose regardless of which pathway you feel you are on.

Please take the time to review the information provided below and speak to your EML Case Manager for more information.

Career Management Services

Career Management Services     

Career Management Services (CMS) are one of Australia’s leading career transition specialists for police and emergency services members. This team of highly experienced professionals possess extensive industry knowledge and expertise to support you in making a change to a rewarding, alternative career outside of law enforcement. CMS recognise your unique skills and competencies, and offer a wide range of services, specifically designed to support transitioning to opportunities outside of law enforcement and to suit your individual needs.

CMS will make the process easy – from helping you to identify a future satisfying career pathway where you can utilise your strengths, to supporting you with effective job search strategies and the practical support you need to ensure you land your next dream job. With results three times the industry average, their team of dedicated consultants and coaches, will help you with the next steps in your career to give you the employability edge and confidence to achieve your goals.

Career transition and development services

  • Career Coaching – career exploration, guidance, counselling and planning
  • Professionally written resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles
  • Job application support - addressing key selection criteria and written capability statements
  • Interview coaching and preparation
  • Job search strategies and job seeking support
  • Psych testing preparation

College For Law, Education And Training (CLET) - RTO #31254

College For Law, Education And Training (CLET) - RTO #31254       CLET

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

  • Outlines qualifications mapped to the ranks within Police to assists with transferable skills
  • Qualifications can be provided prior to last date of service
  • Provides confidence & clear vocational options



Mental wellbeing program

  • Experienced, mental health exercise physiologists
  • Flexible, convenient and comfortable environment – home, outdoor, park, gymnasium, or pool
  • Unlock the natural medicine cabinet of the brain
  • Focus on the holistic physical and mental wellbeing interlink
  • Build confidence to achieve your meaningful health and life goals
  • Integrate elements of diet, sleep, mindfulness – based off your preferences
  • Collaborates with other members of your support team
  • Digital telehealth services are also available

Guardian Exercise Rehabilitation

Guardian Exercise Rehabilitation        

Exercise rehab

Guardian Exercise Rehabilitation are a team of vibrant professionals with the utmost standard of care delivered to all clientele, and an unwavering level of exceptional service provided to all customers and stakeholders.

Guardian Exercise Rehabilitation provides prescription of therapeutic exercise and is a very keen believer-in community-based exercise-rehabilitation to ensure independence and convenience in completion during programming, and autonomy into the long-term - ultimately ensuring durability with outcomes and self-efficacy for clients.

Guardian Exercise Rehabilitation abides by the five principles outlined in the Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services:

  • Measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment
  • Adopt a biopsychosocial approach
  • Empower the injured person to manage their injury
  • Implement goals focused on optimising function, participation and return to work
  • Base treatment on best available research evidence

Kookaburra Kids

Peak Conditioning

Peak Conditioning   

Activity based prescription program

  • Designed to help people suffering from chronic & mental health injuries
  • Encourage to become participants in their lives
  • Evidence based strategies
  • Biopsychosocial model

Pinnacle Rehab – Health at Home

Pinnacle Rehab – Health at Home  

Health at Home

Health at Home is a program designed to offer support following an inpatient stay in hospital. The aim of the program is to make sure that when discharged from hospital, the right support is provided to ensure everything needed is available to allow you to return to health, return to life and engage back in your community.

  • Our experienced Health at Home consultants engage with you, and your treatment team, to understand all the goals of discharge
  • Support provided to you and your support network, in ensuring the goals are achievable and understanding the individual needs
  • Collaborative support through treatment team, engaging you and your chosen support network
  • Development of a Discharge Action Plan to ensure a clear pathway for your return home and back to health
  • Weekly support to encourage returning to health at home, and encouraging development of personal routine and engagement in the community.

Prestige Health Services Australia (PHSA)

Prestige Health Services Australia    

Active wellbeing program

  • Assigned a Wellbeing Specialist
  • Taking first steps to return to health at home and in the community
  • Develop a wellness action plan tailored to needs and wants
  • Working with their treaters



Engage Transitional Services is a voluntary support program designed for NSW Police Officers who are transitioning or who have transitioned from the force.

This service recognises that periods of transition are challenging and is designed to complement existing treatment plans and assist members to identify and work towards important and meaningful life goals.

A dedicated Procare allied health consultant will collaborate with each member to develop holistic goals aligned with their values, interests and will support the member to achieve these goals.

Your Future Career and Wellbeing

Your Future Career and Wellbeing   

Your Future programs are tailored to each person’s requirements as they consider what a new job may look like. The Your Future team understand that a new career conversation and the scope of options, can be overwhelming. It may also feel unachievable, when there are other life obstacles in the way.

The team's role is to make the transition process a little easier, and ensure that they support your readiness and motivation when it comes to career planning and employer engagement. Your Future also works with you at any point in your decision making to return to work, and will tailor their guidance, resources, coaching and tools to your plan.

Their expert team will support you in finding balance and confidence to secure your next role, working with you to:

  • Convert career ideas to goals
  • Provide preparation expertise per application through to post placement support
  • Secure long term meaningful employment


Useful links   

Income Protection Team

For more information on income protection call: (02) 8835 8400

Specialist Claims Team

For information regarding your workers compensation payment while employed by NSW Police call: (02) 8835 8400

NSW Police Force Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Employee Assistance Program offers counselling to police employees and their immediate family through its extensive network of providers. P: 1300 667 197

Family Support

Information and services available to support NSW Police Force Officers' families and keep them well. P: 131 444

Police Association of NSW

Workers compensation entitlements, return to work and welfare support. P: (02) 9265 6777 E:

Police Blue Ribbon Superannuation

For more information on income protection, total and permanent disablement or terminal illness. First State Super. P: 1300 650 873

TAL Life Limited

For information specific to your claim, contact TAL on P: 1300 209 088

Beyond Blue

Information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live. P: 1300 22 4636


A national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. P: 13 11 14

Black Dog Institute

The Black Dog Institute is dedicated to understanding, preventing and treating mental illness. P: (02) 9382 4530

Phoenix Australia

Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health (formerly the Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health) promotes recovery for the 15 million Australians affected by trauma

Police Transition Team

For more information on police career transition email or call the Career Transition Infoline 1800 014 140

More than a Cop Career Transition After Injury Virtual Seminar

Join anytime from anywhere. Register at


We are always looking to improve the support for transitioning NSW Police employees, so your feedback is valuable, and we would love to hear from you.

Please feel free to provide your feedback here.