Resources for workers, their families and employers to assist with prevention and recovery from work-related psychological injury or mental illness.

Around Australia one in five people at work are experiencing some kind of mental illness, which impacts relationships, productivity, and physical health. Mental health is in the top five of all injuries EML manages and we have invested heavily in prevention, mitigation and rehabilitation to help people get their lives back.

Our nationally-relevant videos and articles have been developed through collaborations with organisations including NSW Police, Fire and Rescue NSWNSW Health, the Black Dog Institute and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

Watch these videos and read our articles and access useful resources for tips on protecting your mental health, family support opportunities, and creating workplaces that support prevention, early intervention and recovery.


Other useful resources

Black Dog Institute

A not-for-profit which is internationally recognised as a pioneer in the identification, prevention and treatment of mental illnesses, and the promotion of well-being.

Beyond Blue

Information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.


A national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.


A leading national Institute dedicated to reducing mental ill-health, reducing suicide and improving wellbeing.

Heads Up

Resources, information and advice for individuals and businesses to create more mentally healthy workplaces.

SANE Australia

A national mental health charity working to support four million Australians affected by complex mental illness.