We reinvest funds back into services and research initiatives to assist employers to create safer workplaces and support injured workers return to work sooner.

How we reinvest profits

EML's Mutual Benefits Program invests funds into a variety of projects, both within EML and directly to our customers, to improve health and safety, and return to work outcomes.

As well as our extensive training for customers, we also invest in research programs to gain a greater understanding of best practice treatment, prevention and early intervention methods that can benefit injured workers across schemes.

Through our sponsorships we have supported many industry groups, unions, first responder organisations and researchers to develop projects which support workers and the communities in which they live.

We have also continued to build a large range of helpful workplace, health and safety resources that our customers can freely access through our online resources area.

Mutual Benefits funding is deployed strategically – to develop short and longer-term approaches to helping people get their lives back. We are always thinking ahead – funding the creation and implementation of tools and resources that can benefit all members, for example, our series of First Appointment videos and the development of PTSD Guidelines.

Visit Mutual Benefits today to find out more about what being a customer of EML can do for your business.